Thursday, 21 January 2010

Research activity for the high concept

Ask a group of friends how they select films they want to see. How important are genres for them? or do they think of the stars or stories, special effects or just wether the film is no.1 in the chart?

Most of the people i asked how they said they choose the film to see said that its from what they see and hear about the film. wether it be advertised on the television or cinema or even from other friends. They said that i doesnt matter if the trailer is jammed packed with special effects action or adrenalin pumping. the trailer sells the story. If the film trailer doesnt sell the story then the chances are that the film isn't worth seeing.

if they were to here about about before making the decision to watch the film they would view the film trailer on youtube in order to get a feel for the film to see if its interesting.

When it comes to the stars the people i asked said that it does help to make the decision wether they are going to see the film. If they didnt really like the star of the film they said that the chances are that they wouldnt give the film a second glance, however if they did like the star they would still watch the trailer fior the film before paying to watch the film.

Some people said that if the film was number one in the charts that it would help make the decision of watching a film as the film already has alot of hype and that the majority of the people around you are talking about the film which makes you want to watch it so that you dont feel left out and you know what people are going on about.

The genre of a film seemed to be one of the most important criterias for people. The majority of people mentioned that they would rather watch a comedy or action over a horror for example. The genre of the film would be depenant of the individuals personality or even age.

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